Saturday, January 28, 2012

Guest post...revisited :)

I'm reposting a link to Daniel Malinski's blog from earlier this week.  He had a "guest post" on his blog from Jen Harrison...I thought it was fitting to much of how I've been feeling this week so thought I'd comment & repost the link.  I saw myself in her first point "trust in the coach/plan" & knew I had to comment on this.  You see, I've never had a coach. Ever.  About as close as I've come is taking Masters swim, or group fitness classes or small group personal training classes at the gym.  Where someone is basically giving me my workout for a hour.  But after that hour, or before, I can do whatever I want.  To completely give up this freedom & have ALL of my training given to me by someone else was going to be a challenge for me.  Giving up control?  Me?  This is gonna be interesting, I thought.  I remember asking Jen during our initial conversation if I could do "more" workouts than what she gave me...incase she had me working out less than what I typically do.  Her answer, as you can imagine...was NO!  And to trust her.  There have been days where I've worked out less than an hour (keep in mind, I just finished week 2). What???  My typical workouts are usually 1.5-2 hours, longer on weekends...what is she thinking??  I've been asked alot this week how my training is going.  Standard answer...good, they are shorter than what I'm used to, but more challenging.  I talked about that in my last post.  Anyways - I've stopped second guessing her workouts in the past few days...I'm reminding myself soon enough the workouts will get longer & to take advantage of the shorter ones I still tempted to add a little extra?  You bet...change doesn't happen overnight ;)

Here's the link to Jen's post.  Read it.  She makes alot of good points & I'm willing to bet, we all see ourselves in at least some of what she's saying.  Thanks Jen for writing this!!

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