Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Buzy Bee...

I'm a bit overdue for this blog but honestly, don't have much to say at this point.  I had one helluva week personally & just didn't have the time to blog...let alone take some time for myself.  I guess my training IS my time for myself these days...LOL  How did THAT happen?  I'm still not working full-time, but working part time doing some inside sales and finding that I'm loving it...and loving being back amongst the working :)

I do want to thank a few of my friends who noticed me having a rough morning on Saturday.  I guess it showed & nothing like a big bear hug & kiss on the cheek with a "now go have a good workout" from a friend's husband...sometimes it's the little things that make you smile.  Not sure if he'll read this but thanks Nick!!!   You made the girls at the front desk very jealous...LOL  And Jen C, oops, Jen S, your pep talk about training & your Ironman experiences truly did help.  Loved your suggestions & really, it came at the perfect time.  I hope you can find the time, if not to come to Madison, to track my progress on Sept 9th!  I still have your trainer too, thank you!

Other than that, pretty much status quo.  My right leg/shin/calf is pissing me off right now so I'm taking this week off of running.  Nothing major, calf feels very tight & the stretching & foam rolling doesn't seem to be helping.  I have a huge bruise on my inner shin on the same leg & that has been causing me a bit of grief this past resting it.  Biking is good, swimming is good (relatively speaking, of course) and life is (sorta) good!


  1. Are you referring to MY Nick? It sounds like something he would do.

  2. So here's what I DON'T like about this blog thing...when people leave comments, usually I have no idea who they are because I don't know your "screen name". Who is GM? Identify yourself & I will let you know if it was your Nick :)
