Thursday, March 1, 2012

Getting back to normal...

So this was the week!  This was the week I was going to start getting up early again and getting back to my "routine".  For months, although I'm still working out in the mornings, I've been sleeping later & later, working out later & later, the "business" part of my days has been starting later & later.  Don't get me wrong, I've thoroughly enjoyed sleeping 9+ hours each night!  But something's been missing.  It's a totally different crowd at the gym at 9am vs. 6am.  I've missed my friends...I've been wanting to start going back early again but just never did it. 

So this week was it!  I was going to ease into it though...would I need to be dragged ouf of bed this early?  I didn't know...maybe?

Monday I made myself get up at 7am.  Yes, that's early for me...and it was my rest day on top of it.  Woo hoo...success!  Tuesday, 6:30.  Another success, and yet still, a trainer workout so didn't even go to the gym.  Yesterday...6am.  It's getting easier.  And I got to the gym & saw a bunch of old friends. Saw lots of surprised faces, got a few "welcome back to the real world" comments.  It felt good.  And surprisingly, wasn't that difficult to get up.  Then there was today... the dreaded 5:30am wake up.  Go figure, 5am I'm wide awake.  By 5:25, after laying in bed for 25 minutes, I said screw it & got up.  At the gym working out by 6:30 (yes, having the foster dog adds 30 minutes to my morning routine).  This one felt great!! 

It's amazing how quickly you fall out of a habit. Hard to form a habit but easy to fall out of it!  You hear it all the takes 90 days, 6 weeks, 3 months, form a habit but less than 1/2 that time to break it.  Exactly what happened to me.  But I'm back.  And it felt great.  And I look forward to being in the pool tomorrow morning at 6:30am.  Oh, don't get crazy on me...the excited part is about the 6:30...not excited to be swimming.  That's still a ways away ;)  And who knows, maybe next week I'll get up at 5am...

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